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2025.02.13 课题组与青岛科技大学何茂帅团队合作论文“Yttrium-Catalyzed Growth of Enriched (6, 4) and (6, 5) Carbon Nanotubes for Their High-Efficiency Separation”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接受,李林海博士为共同一作,祝贺!
2024.12.23 李潇论文“Photoresist removal by an aluminum protective layer to improve the performance of carbon nanotube thin-film transistors”被ACS Appl. Nano Mater.期刊接受,祝贺!
2024.11.19 课题组和青岛科技大学何茂帅团队合作论文“High-Temperature Growth of Chirality-Enriched, Highly Crystalline Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient Single-Chirality Separation”被Adv. Funct. Mater.接受,李林海博士为共同一作,祝贺!
2024.10.10 刘华平研究员入选国家级领军人才!
2024.09.30 李林海博士的论文“High‐Efficiency Separation of Near‐Zigzag Single‐Chirality Carbon Nanotubes by Gel Chromatography”在线发表于physica status solidi (b),祝贺!
2024.08.15 刘华平研究员应邀参加"The International Symposium on Carbon Future (CF2024)",并做邀请报告!
2024.05.22 祝贺岳盈、张月娟、孙建林顺利通过毕业论文答辩!祝前途似锦!
2024.05.21 祝贺李潇、李林海、王志硕、凌爽顺利通过毕业论文答辩!祝前途似锦!!
2024.05.07 刘华平研究员受邀担任Discover Nano期刊编委!
2024.04.27 孙建林论文“Experimental determination of the Young's modulus of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes with single chirality”被Nano Research期刊接受并在线发表!祝贺!
2024.04.04 岳盈的论文“Large-area Flexible Carbon Nanofilms with Synergistically Enhanced Transmittance and Conductivity Prepared by Reorganizing Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Networks”被Advanced Materials 期刊接受并发表!祝贺!
2024.03.19 凌爽、魏小均老师论文“Surfactant Micelle-Driven High-Efficiency and High-Resolution Length Separation of Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Applications”被Small期刊接受,并在线发表!祝贺!
2024.03.15 刘华平研究员应邀出席在奥地利Kirchberg in Tirol举办的“International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials”国际会议,并做大会邀请报告!
2024.03.04 岳盈论文“Wide temperature range, air stable, transparent, and self-powered photodetectors enabled by a hybrid film of graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes”被Nano Research接受发表!祝贺!
2024.02.29 李林海论文“Cholic acid tuning the binary sufractant system for one-step separation of the enantiomers of (5,4) carbon nanotubes”被Carbon接收,祝贺!
2024.02.23 李林海作为共一作者的论文“An Efficient Approach Towards Production of Near-Zigzag Single-Chirality Carbon Nanotubes”被Science子刊Science Advances接受,祝贺!该工作与青岛科技大学何茂帅教授团队、李志波教授团队和北京大学张锦教授团队合作完成!
2023.12.29 课题组承担的国家重点研发项目“克量级单一手性碳纳米管制备及其光电集成关键技术研究”2023年度总结会议成功举办
2023.12.17 李潇、王文轲论文"Order of magnitude improvement in the transport performance of carbon nanotube films by completely removing surfactants"被Carbon期刊接受,祝贺!
2023.12.15 刘华平研究员应邀出席在珠海举办的 The First International Workshop on Materials Frontiers会议,并做邀请报告!
2023.11.23 AZO Nano 发表编辑专栏文章(Editorial Feature: Tuning properties in carbon nanotubes through chirality)报道我们团队最近在碳纳米管手性结构分离以及电学性质探测方面的进展。
2023.11.10 刘华平研究员应邀出席在温州举办的碳能源国际学术研讨会,并做碳材料与能源化学分会主题报告!
2023.11.09 张霄老师论文“Enhanced composite thermal conductivity by percolated networks of in-situ confined-grown carbon nanotubes”被Nano Research期刊接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2023.11.02 刘华平研究员应邀出席在韩国高丽大学举办的13th A3 Symposium on Emerging Materials:Nanomaterials for Electronics, Energy, and Environment研讨会, 并做邀请报告!
2023.10.28 刘华平研究员应邀出席在太原举办的庆祝单壁碳纳米管发现30周年研讨会,并做邀请报告!
2023.10.12 10月8-11号,第四届中国新材料产业发展大会在温州召开,刘华平研究员作为”纳米碳材料论坛“分会共同主席,参与组织了该分论坛,并取得了圆满成功,同时感谢课题组武晋制和和邢佳一同学的辛苦付出
2023.08.28 刘华平研究员应邀参加在北京大学举办的“第13届国际华人无机化学研讨会”,并做分会邀请报告!
2023.08.26 刘华平研究员应邀参加在北京举办的Chinanano国际盛会,并做碳纳米材料分会邀请报告!
2023.08.01 于亚阳论文“Diameter-dependent photoelectric performances of semiconducting carbon nanotubes/perovskite heterojunctions”被EureAlert!Phys.org,以及Mirage News等国际知名科学网站关注报道!
2023.06.21 于亚阳论文“Diameter-dependent photoelectric performances of semiconducting carbon nanotubes/perovskite heterojunctions”被Nano Research 接收,祝贺!
2023.06.18 DeepTech深科技MIT科技评论对我们团队碳纳米管分离工作进行报道!
2023.06.15 我们的合作论文“Highly Selective Growth of (6, 5) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Sigma Phase Alloy Catalyst”被Nano Research接收发表!李林海参与了该工作,祝贺!
2023.05.31 张月娟论文“Highly reversible, dendrite-free and low-polarization Zn metal anodes enabled by a thin SnO2 layer for aqueous Zn-ion batteries”被Journal of Materials Chemistry A接收,祝贺!
2023.05.19 刘华平研究员应邀参加“第三届碳基半导体材料与器件产业发展论坛”并做大会报告!
2023.05.15 王子波、于亚阳、李占金、孟迪迪、罗新利顺通过毕业答辩,祝各位前程似锦!
2023.05.02 王子波论文“Graphene aerogel-based vibration sensor with high sensitivity and wide frequency response range”被Nano Research 接收,祝贺!
2023.04.29 杨德华论文被“Preparing High-Concentration Individualized Carbon Nanotubes for Industrial Separation of Multiple Single-Chirality Species”Nature Portfolio报道!
2023.04.21 魏小均老师论文“Length-Dependent Enantioselectivity of Carbon Nanotubes by Gel Chromatography”被ACS Nano期刊接收,祝贺!
2023.04.16 杨德华的工作“ Preparing High-Concentration Individualized Carbon Nanotubes for Industrial Separation of Multiple Single-Chirality Species”被Nature Communications接收!祝贺!
2023.04.08 王子波的论文“A High-Temperature Accelerometer with Excellent Performance Based on the Improved Graphene Aerogel”被ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces接收发表,祝贺!
2023.04.04 苏威、李潇论文“Chirality-dependent electrical transport properties of carbon nanotubes obtained by experimental measurement”被Nature Communications编辑选为亮点论文。
2023.03.26 Nature Portfolio Physics Community报道了苏威和李潇论文“Chirality-dependent electrical transport properties of carbon nanotubes obtained by experimental measurement”
2023.03.15 苏威、李潇工作“Chirality-dependent electrical transport properties of carbon nanotubes obtained by experimental measurement”被Nature Communications接收!祝贺!
2023.03.07 罗新论文“One-step separation of high-purity single-chirality single-wall carbon nanotubes using sodium hyodeoxycholate”被Carbon接收!祝贺!
2022.11.16 张霄老师研究工作“Simultaneously Enhanced Tenacity, Rupture Work, and Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes Fibers by Raising Effective Tube Portion”在著名期刊Science Advance上发表!祝贺!
2022.11.10 刘华平研究员应邀在中国电子报发表题为“碳基半导体有望延续摩尔定律”的文章,探讨了碳纳米管在碳基芯片领域的发展现状及前景。
2022.11.08 刘华平研究员应邀参加在日本早稻田大学举办的12th A3 Symposium on Emerging Materials:Nanomaterials for Electronics, Energy, and Environment, 并做邀请报告!
2022.11.02 沉痛悼念解思深先生!
2022.09.16 课题组承担的重点研发项目中期总结会议顺利举办!
2022.08.25 李仕龙研究工作“Chirality-dependent concentration boundaries of single-wall carbon nanotubes for photoluminescence characterization and applications”在Nano Research期刊发表,祝贺!
2022.08.09 李少青研究工作“Temporal Feature and Flexible Modulation in Artificial Synapses Realized by a Combination of Phase Transition and Asymmetric Electric Double Layers”在ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.上发表,祝贺!
2022.08.05 刘华平研究员应邀出席第二届碳基半导体材料与器件产业发展论坛,并做大会报告
2022.07.24 刘华平研究员应邀出席2022有机电子材料与器件学术会议,并做邀请报告!
2022.06.15 张霄老师与北科大闫小琴教授团队合作工作“Industrial waste micron-sized silicon use for Si@C microspheres anodes in low-cost lithium-ion batteries ”发表在Sustainable Materials and Technologies期刊,祝贺!
2022.05.23 李少青、王富天、席薇博士论学位论文答辩顺利通过!祝各位前程似锦!
2022.05.20 刘玉敏、刘琳顺利通过硕士学位论文答辩!祝贺!
2022.04.10 魏小均老师综述论文被Research News @ MaterialsViewsChina 报道。
2022.04.09 课题组与青岛科技大学何茂帅教授、北京大学张锦教授合作工作“Bulk growth and separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes from rhenium catalyst”在Nano Research期刊发表,刘玉敏参与了该项工作,祝贺!
2022.03.30 课题组与中科院微电子所孙兵研究员、北京大学刘洪刚教授合作工作“Floating Gate Carbon Nanotube Dual-Gate Field-Effect Transistor for Reconfigurable AND/OR Logic Gates”在ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.期刊发表,博士生李潇、王文轲参与了该项工作,祝贺!
2022.03.16 魏小均老师综述论文“Recent Advances in Structure Separation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application in Optics, Electronics, and Optoelectronics”被Adv. Sci.期刊接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2022.03.02 课题组与中科院微电子所孙兵研究员、北京大学刘洪刚教授合作工作“Use of Ambipolar Dual-Gate Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor to Configure Exclusive-OR Gate”在ACS Omega期刊发表,博士生李潇、王文轲参与了该项工作,祝贺!
2022.02.14 刘琳论文“Separation of Metallic and Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Using Sodium Hyodeoxycholate Surfactant”被J. Phys. Chem. C期刊接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2021.12.31 杨德华博士荣获中科院物理所2021年度 "优秀博士后奖",祝贺!
2021.12.24 课题组承担的国家重点研发计划项目年度总结会议顺利召开!
2021.12.14 刘华平研究员应邀参加在武汉举办的第十一届亚洲纳米材料论坛(The 11th Asian Nanomaterials symposium)并做邀请报告!
2021.12.05 王富天论文“Electronic Type and Diameter Dependence of the Intersubband Plasmons of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes”被Adv. Funct. Mater.接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2021.10.21 课题组“单一手性碳纳米管分离”工作被推荐参加10月21日-27日在北京展览馆举办的国家"十三五"科技创新成就展
2021.09.09 夏小刚博士基于碳纳米管纤维柔性温度探测器工作在知名期刊Small上发表,祝贺!
2021.05.28 李少青论文"Binder-Free Electrodes with High Energy Density and Excellent Flexibility Enabled by Hierarchical Configuration for Wearable Lithium Ion Batteries"被Adv. Mater. Technol.接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2021.05.23 中科院科学公众日,央视“朝闻天下”对课题组单一手性碳纳米管研究工作进行报道。
2021.05.21 夏小刚顺利通过博士论文答辩,祝前程似锦!
2021.05.14 科技部报道了课题组在碳纳米管分离制备方面的研究进展
2021.05.10 中科院中文网站报道了课题组在近锯齿型碳纳米管分离制备方面的研究进展
2021.05.08 夏小刚论文“Highly flexible and excellent performance continuous carbon nanotube fibrous thermoelectric modules for diversified applications”被Chin. Phys. B接受并在线发表,祝贺!
2021.03.12 杨德华博士研究工作“Submilligram-Scale Separation of Near-Zigzag Single-Chirality
  Carbon Nanotubes by Temperature Controlling a Binary Surfactant System”被Nano-
  Werk News报道,祝贺!
2021.03.01 来自英国剑桥大学的张霄博士入选中科院百人计划,正式入职研究组,热烈欢迎!
2021.03.01 研究组承担的国家重点研发计划项目启动会3月1日在物理所顺利召开。
2021.02.19 杨德华博士研究工作“近锯齿形单一手性碳纳米管的宏量分离”作为中科院新闻被报
2020.11.20 博士后杨德华在近锯齿形单一手性碳纳米管的宏量分离方面取得进展,相关工作近日被
  Science子刊Sci. Adv.接收,祝贺!
2020.11.20 刘华平研究员应邀出席国际碳材料大会,并做邀请报告。
2020.11.18 博士生陈鹏辉、苏威顺利通过博士论文答辩,祝贺!
2020.09.23 张强博士透明导电薄膜连续制备取得重要进展,相关工作发表于Adv. Mater., 祝贺!
2020.08.27 博士生陈鹏辉Li离子电容器负极研究取得重要进展,相关工作近日发表于著名能源期刊
  Energy storage Mater., 祝贺!
2020.08.18 课题组与剑桥大学张霄博士等合作论文发表于Science 子刊Sci. Adv., 祝贺!
2020.08.03 李仕龙顺利通过博士论文答辩,祝贺!
2020.07.15 课题组与北京理工大学邹炳锁教授课题组合作工作关于ZNO纳米线工作发表于国际著名
  期Nano Energy,祝贺!
2020.07.15 博士生李仕龙论文被Nano Research微信公众号报道!
2020.06.29 王文轲荣获“诵读科学经典、弘扬科学精神”活动“优秀个人奖”,祝贺!
2020.05.06 课题组与美国Rice大学Kono教授合作工作被ACS Photonics期刊在线发表!
2020.04.27 课题组与葡萄牙伊比利亚纳米实验室刘利峰教授合作论文被ACS Appl. Energy Mater
2020.04.27 博士生陈鹏辉的论文被Nano Engergy期刊接收发表,祝贺!
2020.04.22 苏威的论文被InfoMat期刊微信公众号Lab Motif作为亮点工作报道!
2020.04.01 博士生李仕龙的论文被Analytical methods期刊接收,祝贺!
2020.03.16 博士生李仕龙的论文被Nano Research期刊接收,祝贺!
2020.03.14 博士生苏威的论文被Carbon期刊接收,祝贺!

 D.H. Yang, L.H. Li, X.J Wei, Y.C. Wang, W.Y. Zhou, H. Kataura, S.S. Xie, H.P. Liu*, Submilligram-Scale Separation of Near-Zigzag Single-Chirality Carbon Nanotubes by Temperature Controlling a Binary Surfactant System, Sci. Adv. 2021,7, eabe0084


 P.H. Chen, W.Y. Zhou*, Q.S. Li, H.L. Chen, Y.C. Wang, Z.B. Wang, W. Xi, X.G. Xia, S.S. Xie*, In situ anchoring MnO nanoparticles on self-supported 3D interconnected graphene scroll framework: A fast kinetics boosted ultrahigh-rate anode for Li-ion capacitor, Energy Storage Mater. 2020, 33, 298-308.


 Q Zhang, W.Y. Zhou*, X.G. Xia, K.W. Li, N. Zhang, Y.C. Wang, Z.J. Xiao, Q.X. Fan, E. I. Kauppinen, S.S. Xie*, Transparent and Freestanding Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Films Synthesized Directly and Continuously via a Blown Aerosol Technique, Adv. Mater. 2020, 2004277.


 K. Cong, W. Jiang, B. E. Anthonio, G. Timothy Noe, H. Liu, H. Kataura, M. Kira*, and J. Kono, Quantum-Memory-Enabled Ultrafast Optical Switching in Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Photonics,  2020, In press.

P.H. Chen, W.Y. Zhou*, Z.J. Xiao, S.Q. Li, Z.B. Wang, Y.C. Wang, S.S. Xie*, An integrated configuration with robust interfacial contact for durable and flexible zinc ion batteries, Nano Energy, 2020, 104905
S. Li, X. Wei*, L. Li, J. Cui, D. Yang, Y. Wang, W. Zhou, S.S. Xie, A. Hirano, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura,H. Liu*,  Quantitative analysis of the effect of reabsorption on the Raman spectroscopy of distinct (n, m) carbon nanotubes, Anal. Methods, 2020, 12, 2376
 S. Li, D. Yang, J. Cui, Y. Wang, X. Wei*, W. Zhou, H. Kataura, S.S. Xie, and H Liu*, Quantitative analysis of the intertube coupling effect on the photoluminescence characteristics of distinct (n, m) carbon nanotubes dispersed in solution, Nano Research, 2020, 13, 1149
W. Su, D. Yang, J. Cui, F. Wang, X. Wei*, W. Zhou, H. Kataura, S. S. Xie, H. Liu*, Ultrafast wafer-scale assembly of uniform and highly dense semiconducting carbon nanotube films for optoelectronics, Carbon, 2020, 163, 370. Highlighted by Lab Motif
 X. Wei, T. Tanaka, S. Li, M. Tsuzuki, G. Wang, Z. Yao, L. Li, Y. Yomogida, A. Hirano, H Liu, and H. Kataura*, Photoluminescence Quantum Yield of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Corrected for the Photon Reabsorption Effect, Nano Lett. 20 (2020) 410

Zhuojian Xiao, Weiya Zhou,* Nan Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaogang Xia, Xiaogang Gu, Yanchun Wang, and Sishen Xie*All-Carbon Pressure Sensors with High Performance  and Excellent Chemical Resistance, Small  2019, 15, 1804779







版权所有 @2015-2022  中科院物理研究所 纳米材料与介观物理研究组
Email: liuhuaping@iphy.ac.cn        最后更新时间 2020.06.10
Email: liuhuaping@iphy.ac.cn        最后更新时间 2015.05.13